Vela marketing

Landing Pages / Websites

User Experience


e-commerce / App


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Our services

From landing pages to sales platforms

At Vela Marketing, we understand that a website is more than just a digital space. It is your online presence, a reflection of your brand. That’s why our website building process is meticulous and results-oriented.

Integração de e-commerce

How does each stage work?

See how easy it is to create a website with us.

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The first step is filling out the briefing, available through a link we will send upon hiring for your website. In this form, we ask important questions about you, your business, and your goals with creating a website/lp/e-commerce.

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Based on the answers from the briefing, we will develop a website creation schedule. The first part of this schedule is creating the layout for your site, which varies in duration depending on the project’s needs.

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In this stage, which is carried out immediately after layout approval, we move on to the development of your website. This part involves programming, feature development, and testing to ensure that your site is as perfect as it was in the layout.

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After completing all the steps, we develop a password-protected and fully customized manual right here on our website, allowing you to manage your site after delivery. Additionally, we are available for 30 days to clarify any doubts and correct any possible bugs.

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